Friday, May 9, 2008
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Exciting news!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008
"And they say she's so lucky, she's a star..."

Hi, sorry I have been so slack but I am finally meeting my challenge of connecting Britney to Jim Halpert or John Krasinski, for I am a woman true to my word.

And while Britney been on a downhill slide since her days of glory, some stars just get better with time, for instance John Krasinski, who went from this:

To this:

Hmmm, that gives me an idea...

And I promise to mention neither Britney nor John/Jim in my next post. Well, not exclusively anyway...:P
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
I'll just call it Jim/John-time! @ Ani-time!

"You want more? I'll give you more..."

In case you've been otherwise distracted, here's the latest on Britney Spears: She has been commited to a psychiatric ward and has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Also, her parents have issued a restraining order against her dodgy 'manager'/enabler Osama Lufti (who seems to aspire to be Howard K. Stern aka Anna Nicole Smith's dodgy ex 'manager'/enabler). For all the latest, perez has the goss:
Britney then said, “I’ll do anything to get them back.”...

How did I miss this!?

Saturday, February 2, 2008
Michelle's statement...

Friday, February 1, 2008
Baby Spice's baby...

"What has one thumb and loves Ani-time? This guy!"
If you all haven't noticed- I am obsessed with Jim. So I am issuing a challenge. Just post a comment about any pop-culture related topic and I will write a post about it and somehow link it to Jim or John Krasinski. Bet you can't stump me...
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Dragonette-I Get Around...
Dragonette are my new obsession-the singer is the chick who sang 'Take me back to your house' with Basement Jaxx and I think she's totally gorgeous and this song/video is so cool!
Also, check out this beautiful song-True believer also by Dragonette:
For all you Felicity fans...

So what do you think, hot couple or not?...
Jim's Fake PSA (JellyBeans)
So friggin' adorable...and so true!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Although, is it just me or does it look a little familiar?
I guess I'm not the only Jim fanatic, huh Brad? (I know, i know-there are many a Jim fan out there!)
Now if only Jim/John Krasinski would grow a bit of facial scruff like Brad I could die a happy girl...
Saturday, January 26, 2008
So cool!...

Annie Leibowitz, one of my favourite photgraphers, has taken a set of photos for Disney which include Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony as Jasmine and Aladdin, Giselle Bundchen and Mikhail Baryshnikov (the dancer best known as Carrie's older, artist boyfriend Alexander in Sex and the City) as Wendy and Peter Pan, with Tina Fey as Tinkerbell, and Jessica Biel as my favourite, Pocahontas. As I said, so cool!

A close-up of Tina Fey as Tinkerebell-cute!:
Behind the scenes:

Thursday, January 24, 2008
Best Chemistry (film)...

4. Claire Danes & Leonardo Dicaprio in Romeo & Juliet

3. Nicole Kidman & Jude Law in Cold Mountain

2. Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt in Mr & Mrs Smith

1. Diane Lane & Olivier Martinez in Unfaithful

Also notable: Nicole Kidman & Ewan McGregor in Moulin Rouge, Diane Lane & Viggo Mortensen in A Walk on the Moon, Leonardo Dicaprio & Kate Winslet in Titanic, and Heath Ledger & Jake Gyllenhal in Brokeback Mountain.
Any hot onscreen couples I missed? Or terrible ones?
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Sad news...

Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Random 'the Office' goodness...
Monday, January 21, 2008
Hot new (rumoured) couple...

No, I'm not slow-i know Rachel Bilson and Adam Brody broke up awhile ago, and as much as I loved the real-life pairing of Summer and Seth from 'The O.C.', I thought it time to let go of the possibility of a reunion. Especially when I read that Adam Brody is dating rising star and fellow Adelaidian Teresa Palmer-just imagine how cute their babies will be!...

...And isn't Adam the prettiest guy you ever saw?
That aint no etch-a-sketch...
Eg. I am legend= Depressing, grim view of the probable future. Like a New York City version of 'Castaway' with a dog instead of a volleyball. Enchanted= Sweet, funny and sparkly. Best watched with a little kid, not a surly ex-boyfriend. Much of the charm due to Amy Adams superb turn as the princess (she should play Ariel in a live-action 'The Little Mermaid').

So, one film I have seen recently that is worth reccomending is 'Juno'. Written by stripper turned blogger Diablo Cody and directed by Jason Reitman, it stars Ellen Page from the creepy 'Candy' as Juno MacGuff, and Michael Cera from 'Superbad' as Paulie Bleeker. Other standouts include one of my faves, Allison Janney as Juno's stepmother, who puts a judgemental ultrasound technician in her place in one killer scene, and Olivia Thirlby as Juno's sweet and supportive cheerleader best-friend Leah.
The basic premise of the film is that after having sex with her best friend Bleeker, Juno discovers that she is pregnant. At first she considers an abortion but reconsiders after a schoolmate/anti-abortionist tells her that the baby has fingernails. So she decides to put the baby up for adoption, and after finding their ad in the local penny-saver, she meets the impossibly beautiful and self-contained Vanessa, played by Jennifer Garner, and Mark Loring, played by Jason Bateman and decides to give them her baby. As the months pass and her belly swells, Juno becomes aware of her true feelings about Bleeker, and she connects with Mark over their shared taste in music and movies, until he makes a revelation that leaves her reeling. But don't worry, the ending is very sweet.

'Juno' represents a very realistic view of teenage life, in which kids aren't fools and parents aren't monsters. Juno is smart, sassy, cool and confident. She is the girl you wish you were in high school, flawed but self-aware, mature but still trusting and open. When a Jock teases her, rather than feel bad about it, she is aware enough to know it's because guys like him lust after alternative girls like her: "future children's librarians". Ellen Page turns a character that could easily have become a victim, into a funny and strong girl on the verge of womanhood. One of the funniest quotes, (which might not sound funny, but it's all in the delivery) to paraphrase: "Inexplicably, every Valentine's day my mother would send me a cactus. They stung almost as much as her abandonment"

So if you want to see a funny, realistic portrayal of teenage life through the eyes of one special girls and her unique experience, see Juno.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
My Ideal Guy...

Jim Halpert!

15% laid-back, soulful strummer like...