In case you've been otherwise distracted, here's the latest on Britney Spears: She has been commited to a psychiatric ward and has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Also, her parents have issued a restraining order against her dodgy 'manager'/enabler Osama Lufti (who seems to aspire to be Howard K. Stern aka Anna Nicole Smith's dodgy ex 'manager'/enabler). For all the latest, perez has the goss: http://perezhilton.com/category/britney-spears/
But the very latest news is Britneys mother Lynne Spears' declaration in court about the events that led up to Britney being commited, and it's pretty shocking:
"...I also heard the evening that Britney’s and Sam’s fight that evening, Sam(Osama) had told Britney that she was an unfit mother, a piece of trash and a whore, that she cares more about Adnan, her current boyfriend, than she cares about her kids, and that she does not deserve her kids...
...The paparazzi reported to Sam and addressed him with great respect. They treated him like a general. He instructed them to get her back to the house. They later told Sam that Britney was on her way back...
...(Sam) then told me, “I’m the one who spends 24/7 with your daughter. I sleep in cars outside her house so she can’t leave.” Sam then said, “You people throw everyone under the bus, if you don’t listen to me I’m going to make your name sh** in the papers.”...
...Sam told me,” You’d better learn that I control everything. I control Howard Grossman, Britney’s business manger. I control her attorney's and the security guards at the gate. They don’t listen to Britney, they listen to me. That’s why Jamie (Britneys Dad) was gone tonight.”...
...(Sam) told me that if he weren't in the house to give Britney her medicine, she would kill herself. Then he said to me "If you try to get rid of me, she'll be dead and I'll piss on her grave."...
...At one point during the night, Sam was screaming at me and Britney said to me, “Sam treats me like that.” Then she picked up the house phone and said, “Look at the phone, it doesn’t work.” Sam then blamed the dead phone on Britney. Jackie spoke up and said to Sam, “You said you cut down the phone wire.”
Britney then said again at some point during the night, “When do I get to see my babies?” Sam answered, “Wednesday. “ Britney then said, “What do I have to do to see them?” Sam responded, “Take the pills I tell you to take.” Britney said, “I don’t like the pills and I don’t like the psychiatrist. Can’t I see another psychiatrist so I can see my babies?” Sam responded, “If I told you to take 10 pills a day, you should do what I tell you to see your babies.” Jackie then said, “Britney, your parents can help you find a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist needs to get to know you to give you the right medicine.” Sam then raised his voice and said, “Why don’t you get back with Kevin.”
Britney then said, “I’ll do anything to get them back.”...
...Adnan has called me and told me he’s worried about Britney. He told me that Sam hides the phones and tells her he has lost them. He also hides her dog, London. She looks for him all over the house crying and then Sam brings the dog from the hiding place and acts like her savior."

Read the full story at http://perezhilton.com/2008-02-05-every-little-bit#more-13574
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