I just read a great account/review of John at http://laineygossip.com/John_Krasinski_at_the_Superbowl.aspx
Here are some tidbits:
"The best hotness is the kind that takes you by surprise. Sure - he's cute in that college backpack kinda way but - at least for me on tv - not in that rip your panties passion. Until you see him in person.In person, cute becomes quiver. In person there's a quiet confidence that gets real sexy real fast. Especially since he is still a regular dude. No entourage, no handlers... Just John and his dad.
...John is not pretty. His nose is probably a little more bulbous than it should be and he doesn't have the best hair but there's a super chill vibe about the way he walks - a gait that implies he'd know what to do with you when no one's around and large soft looking hands and clean fingernails and when he stopped to take photos he would easily slip his arm around your waist, resting it just above the hip...it all makes for a fresh laundry scented fantasy. Or on a rug in front of the fireplace after a night of dvds and cheetos...
...He took his hat off and gave it to someone and showed off some awful hat head. Of course he didn't care. Rare a man who doesn't care about his hair. Even my husband cares about his hair. And he is the most style un-friendly, fashion backwards dude you can find. But John Krasinski didn’t care about his hair. Love, love, love. We made eye contact twice. I want to say ten seconds but it was more like three....several fans asked to have their picture taken… he obliged every time. With a smile and that arm around the waist. Sigh."
Although, I must disagree with the "John is not pretty" statement, and here is some evidence to back me up:

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