- Be sweet. There are so many times when Paris and Nicole have done things that no-one would get away with. But they do. Why? Because they have mastered the art of flattery and playing innocent. It is amazing how much is forgiven with a few sweet words and flattery.
- Flirt with everyone. A compliment as simple as "you're hot" or "do you have a girlfriend?" will make most people(namely men) putty in your hands. Plus, it makes them feel good, and what's not to like about that.
- Play dumb. the more you act like you can't do anything, the more help you'll get, thus the less work you'll have to do. Plus it makes people(again, namely men) feel good to be needed.
- Be spontaneous. Paris and Nicole have fun because they are spontaneous. They make the most of whatever situation they are in and find creative ways to spice it up.
Ok, so I know the show is totally manufactured and the girls have the luxury of a large disposable income and fame which means they get away with shit anyway, but I do think these are good tips for a happier, more fun-filled life.
And now I need to take a very hot shower...
I totally agree.
I love the show. there is a reason its been on for 5 seasons :)
Thank you:)...I was expecting hateful comments-like how dare I actually approve of anything they do. But we all have faults, theirs are just magnified...IMO.
Thanks for my first comment too:) Blogging is exciting!
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