Season 5 of the L word is just around the corner, so I thought I would post a list of, not necessarily the best or funniest moments, but the ones that have had the most impact on me. Jenny, Alice, Dana and Carmen have been my favourites over the years so I'm a bit biased but I would love to hear all of your favourite moments, so leave a comment :)...Also, this is just a first of many L word posts I am planning, so stay tuned. Here are my...
Most memorable 'the L word' moments
10. Bette and Tina's sperm-donor party (Season 1)

Ah, sweet, naive little Jenny. This was her (and our) first introduction to the land of lesbians, and to the amazonian seductress Marina, who later followed Jenny into the bathroom like a lioness stalking her prey, and gave Jenny her first lesbian kiss, which soon developed into a full-blown love affair. As Jenny was living with (and soon engaged to) her boyfriend Tim, their affair played out much like the theme of their mutually loved book "Eros:the bittersweet".
9. The 'lobster' dinner (Season 3)

After Jenny's return from Skokie, which saw her bring her girlfriend Moira (pre-Max) to LA, all the girls gathered for a welcome home dinner at a pricey establishment. Painfully aware of how different she is, Moira shares an interesting story about the difference between male and female lobsters.
8. Jenny's haircut (Season 2)
After a her new housemate Mark (ethically questionable but totally hot) reveals that Jenny's hair is not gay, she asks Shane to cut it short. And in the moment that Shane begins to cut, Jenny sheds her past while boldy moving into her present and future as a gay woman, to the sound of Iron and Wine's "Naked as we came".
7. The Olivia cruise(Season 2)

Alice, Dana, Carmen, Jenny and Shane packed up and headed off into the sea's with mixed results. While Alice and Dana played "love boat", Jenny, un-beknownst to Carmen and Shane, had discovered that Carmen was in love with Shane (although, I think she would have had to be dumb, deaf and blind not to know). In typical Jenny fashion, rather than talk to Carmen and Shane about it, she channelled her hurt emotions by awkwardly suggesting threesomes, jumping into a pool fully-clothed and pushing Carmen and Shane together into a kiss.
6. Alice and Dana's break-up (Season 3)

To the beautiful strains of 'neighbour' Tracy Bonham's "Whether You Fall", Dana told a heart-broken Alice that she couldn't be with her anymore. Alice pleads and Dana gives her one last passionate embrace before leaving in a car with (a rather insensitive) Lara. It's impossible to watch this scene without your heart breaking for Alice. Alas, more heartbreak was soon to follow for the adorable Alice.
5. The yacht party (Season 1)
After being loaned a yacht by a rich Hollywood friend, Shane decides to throw a girls-only party (excluding lesbian-identified male Lisa). Bette and Tina are the first to arrive ("Boring"), with Alice and Lisa soon after, then a newly-single Dana, ripe for tequila shots. Then Jenny and Marina make their first public appearance as a couple, their brief relationship ending the next morning when Jenny finds out that Marina has a jet-setting, conveniently never before mentioned girlfriend who is soon to arrive back in LA and wants everything just as she left it. Bette and Tina leave early ("So boring"), Dana gets drunk and puts on a show, while Shane walks on the edge-of the boat.
4. The 80's transgender fundraiser prom (Season 3)
When Max (previously Moira) began his transition from female to male, he decided he would have top-surgery, but alas, his health insurance wouldn't cover it. So, Jenny and Max throw an 80's transgender prom to raise money for the operation. While Shane and Carmen bicker, Alice scores a date with the kissing booth girl and Dana talks to a post-op transgendered guy about her mastectomy. Meanwhile, Max, pumped full of illegal testosterone, turns into a macho stereotype when he sees Jenny dancing with another man (while Max himself was dancing with Tina) and grabs her by the arm, yelling cliches at her (Eg: you're MY girlfriend! What is he, 2? A girlfriend isn't a toy truck.) And I have to admit, I fell a little bit in love with Shane when she grabbed a raging Max and said "Don't hurt her, or I'll fucking cut your tits off", which might not sound sweet, but when you know Shane and how unattached and non-confrontational she is, it is so sweet to see her care that much about Jenny. Then, when Max finds Jenny, she gives him a speech which is just about the most clear-headed, honest and expressive she has ever been (In fact, she was uncharacteristically lucid through all of Season 3, but it didn't last long as the crazy came back bigger than ever in season 4), about how when she realised she liked women, she never ruled out guys, but she promised herself never to date a super-possessive macho guy with double-standards. Oh, and the 80's fashion and music are so tragically awesome-lace and taffeta and teased hair, I'm so glad I missed that fashion phase!
3. The Dinah Shore weekend (Season 1)
First of all, who doesn't love a road trip? And when the car is filled with our favourite lesbians (plus one self-deluded pseudo-lesbian) Alice, Dana, Shane, Tina, Jenny and Alice's fabulous mum Lenore telling their coming-out stories, it's that much better. We get to see the (very Shane-like) bass-player who broke Alice's heart in college, Dana's ill-fated tennis camp romance with the now famous 'Ralph', and cool little Shane's first crush way back in pre-school: "she took my meal-toy, and then she took my heart"....awwww:P
On arrival, the girls meet Tonya, Dana's 'fan-liaison' and hang out among the throngs of girls, drinking, discussing ways to spot a lesbian and attending a 'white' party, where Jenny shares her coming-out story ("she ruined my life with supposition"), and meets the lovely Robin who saves her from a potentially awkward phone conversation with Marina. Later, as Dana hooks up with the determined and persistent and slightly scary Tonya, Tina tells Jenny, Shane and Alice her own coming-out story, which has an element of irony considering what Bette is getting up to back home.
2.Shane and Carmen's (almost) wedding (Season 3)
We were all surprised when 'keep it simple' Shane proposed to Carmen after Dana's tragic death, but none more so than Carmen, who accepted after some initial hesitation. While trying on wedding dresses with the girls, she questions her sanity in trying to make a commitment with the most impossible person to tie-down. Despite Carmen's doubts, we see the girls migrate to beautiful Whistler, Canada for the wedding (brought to you by the heiress with a heart-of-gold, Helena Peabody). There is much drama to be had in all corners: Lara and Alice, who had been having grief sex for weeks, finally talked about their feelings after Alice decides to move on from Dana's death. Just as Tina and Bette begin to reconnect, Bette becomes the victim of some very bad timing (or a lawyer with a motive) in regards to Angelica's custody, which she probably deserves after her ridiculous and selfish plea for sole custody. Jenny disses max for a French travel writer, with whom she has some very passionate sex, the likes of which we haven't seen since Marina was around. And finally, Kit tells Angus about her pregnancy.
Not that Shane and Carmen's lives were without drama; both had been reunited with members of their family, and while Carmen's family were there to support her, Shane's father had a completely different motive, and he not only took away Shane's first chance at being part of a family, but he also destroyed Shane's confidence and any progress she had made by being in a committed relationship with Carmen. So, as Carmen began to walk down the aisle, surrounded by snow and a canopy of lights, resplendent in her white dress, Alice told her that Shane would not be coming, and that she said she was sorry but it was just who she is. Heartbroken, Carmen sat alone in a seat, wrapped in a blanket as Shane drove away with Bette and Angelica to the sound of "All I Want" by Joni Mitchell, a rather peppy song choice considering the circumstances, but I can't fault Joni...
1. The sad goodbye (Season 3)
After Dana underwent chemotherapy and a mastectomy for breast cancer, it seemed like there was no way she wouldn't survive. But she suddenly contracted an infection resulting from her compromised immune system, and after several days in hospital with Alice by her side, she died in a very moving episode, which ended with Alice broken-down and crying on the floor with a toy flower singing "You are my Sunshine". After Dana's funeral, in which the priest continually referred to her as a straight woman who had never found love and happiness, Alice stole Dana's ashes so the girls could spread them at her beloved childhood summer-camp. A long drive and hike through beautiful pine forests ensued, as the girls stopped along the way to reminisce about their experiences with Dana. Jenny told them about her awkward sexual encounter with Dana, which ended in a dance lesson. Alice shared the story of how they first met, when Alice interviewed Dana, who was deep in the closet and threatened to sue Alice for implying that she was anything other than straight. And Shane told the girls about the time when Dana, still grieving over her break-up with Lara, dropped acid with her at a Tegan and Sara concert, in a hilarious scene. The girls toasted to Dana-an amazing dancer, kisser and lover. And the best friend anyone could have. Then they took turns sprinkling her ashes into the waterfall as "Anytime" by Jane Siberry" played, and as they turn to leave , we see an ethereal Dana in the waterfall. This is my number 1 most memorable scene because it tears my heart out whenever I see it, and the girls reminiscing about Dana is so beautiful and sad, because we get to see a different side to her, a lightness, a naivety and sweetness that wasn't always evident. And the image of Dana in the waterfall, combined with the perfectly chosen song, is a beautiful ode to her life.
So that's my top 10, but I would love to read your comments with your thoughts and where you agree &/or disagree with me and why:)
And just to lighten the mood a little, I leave you with a great quote from (an uncharacteristically lucid, self-aware and humorous season 3) Jenny:
Jenny: You know what, nobody knows who they are. You know? That's what life is about, you walk through life and you try to figure it out and you probably won't figure it out.
Moira: It seems like you know who you are.
Jenny: Absolutely. I am the picture of togetherness and sanity.
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